Corporate membership
Organisations and companies can apply for corporate membership in ENBIS. The rights and benefits of corporate membership are listed below. In order to become a corporate member, please complete the application form for corporate members which you can obtain from the treasurer upon an e-mail request.
The actual corporate membership subscription has been set at € 1000.
Each corporate member of ENBIS has the following rights and benefits:
- To nominate a representative who should communicate and act on its behalf within the ENBIS community.
- To have free access to all ENBIS events for one year by one person.
- To have its logo displayed on the ENBIS website in the Corporate Members section.
- To cross-link its website with the ENBIS website.
- To organize an information sharing Webinar using ENBIS infrastructure (upon approval of the topic by the ENBIS executive committee. No product marketing is allowed!)
Sponsor ENBIS Knowledge Fund
Organisations, companies and individuals can sponsor the ENBIS Knowledge Fund. The sponsorship for the Knowledge Fund is set at € 500 to be used to partially cover travel and accommodation (no meals except for breakfast) plus the registration fee of graduate students. Sponsors will be listed on the conference page upon their approval. In order to become a Knowledge Fund sponsor, please complete the application form for the Knowledge Fund sponsorship, which you can obtain from the ENBIS treasurer upon an e-mail request.