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Home > Activities > Special Interest Groups > Statistics in Practice
The ENBIS Statistics in Practice special interest group came about as an amalgamation between groups interested in Statistics Education, Quality Improvement and Consulting.
The group meets at ENBIS annual conferences and Spring meetings often over lunch. One of our first actions was to initiate a webinar series making use of the new ENBIS webex facility. The webinars included prize winning talks from the conferences and a variety of interesting presentations from areas associated with Statistics in Practice. The webinar activity has now been expanded to be a core function of ENBIS and includes talks from all areas of statistical interests and journal editor contributions.
Another interest of the Statistics in Practice group is running active sessions at ENBIS conferences. Group members feel strongly that conferences should provide the opportunity for attendees to engage with each other and to think out-of-the-box. Attendees of active sessions can explore creative ideas in a co-operative environment and have the valuable experience of free blue sky thinking with a supportive peer group. In some sessions unsolved statistical problems are presented and the audience is invited to suggest ways to tackle them. In other sessions ideas on new ways to teach have been invited. A series of Hands-on DoE sessions were organised for the 2020, 21 and 22 conferences. Material from the hands-on sessions and webinars are added to the ENBIS Media Center which provides an excellent resource.
The next in this series of active sessions is planned to run at the ENBIS conference in Valencia this year.
Several members of the SIG composed an article for the Wiley online library about the history of ENBIS. Kenett, RS, Coleman, S, Zempléni, A, De Frenne,A (2023). European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS): a journey.
Any member of ENBIS is welcome to join the Statistics in Practice special interest group.
Please make yourself known to any of the committee members next time you attend an ENBIS conference or Spring Meeting, or contact us via the homepage.
Founding Committee
Piloting Committee