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Photos from ENBIS-22 in Trondheim, Norway Photos 25/01/2023 Enbis Webmaster
Keith Lines: A Mathmet Quality Management System for data, software, and guidelines Webinar 29/11/2022 Keith Lines
Jakob Raymaekers : Classmaps for Visualizing Classification Results Webinar 01/10/2022 Jakob Raymaekers
ENBIS-22 Annual Conference Video 20/09/2022 Bianca Maria Colosimo, Peter Goos
Statistical learning for temporal data, new horizons and industrial applications. Presentation 23/06/2022 Julien Jacques, Eric Adjakossa, Vincent Le Guen
Paulo Canas Rodrigues: Time series forecasting using ensemble and hybrid methodologies Webinar 16/05/2022 Paulo Canas Rodrigues
Yu Ding: An Overview of IISE Transactions Webinar 09/05/2022 Yu Ding
Sonja Kuhnt, Shirley Coleman: Hands-On Projects for Teaching DoE Document 14/03/2022 Sonja Kuhnt, Shirley Coleman
ENBIS Webinar: Introducing the INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS): Data + Models + Decisions + Implications Webinar 14/03/2022 Galit Shmueli
ENBIS Webinar: Statistical Significance and p-values Webinar 04/02/2022 Bernard Francq, Daniël Lakens, Ron Kenett, Stephen Senn
Pierre Pinson: International Journal of Forecasting, A high-quality focused journal at the interface between methods and applications Webinar 06/01/2022 Pierre Pinson
Rebecca Killick: Journal of Statistical Software: What is it?Who reads it? Why submit to it? Webinar 21/12/2021 Rebecca Killick
Pernille Rydén & Shirley Coleman : “Big data analytics for SMEs” Webinar 15/12/2021 Pernille Rydén & Shirley Coleman
Liam Fleming : “Bayesian Adaptive Design with Cheminal Process” Webinar 15/12/2021 Liam Fleming